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Check out our fun kids play pillows Watch for new O M O home products coming soon.

pillow pricing
removable covers with invisible zipper closure, inserts are sold separately
For wholesale and retail pricing please please contact Patti at or 970.368.0510.
Consciously created home goods designed for kids.
Designed and hand sewn in Frisco, Colorado. Printed in the USA.
Fabric choices: 100% cotton twill, 100% organic cotton sateen, 55% linen/45% cotton canvas

maze pillows

maze pillows

whale fornt

whale back

giraffe front

giraffe back

bear fornt

bear back

elephant front

elephant back

tooth fairy pillow
patch tooth pcket

tooth fairy pillow
corner tooth pocket
Whale maze animal play pillow
front: whale maze on green
back: green whale on curvy lines
large: 20" x 16"
medium: 12" x 16"
small: 8" x 8"
Giraffe maze animal play pillow
front: giraffe maze on orange
back: orange giraffe with thin lines
large: 14" x 24"
medium: 10" x 16"
small: 8" x 8"
Bear maze animal play pillow
front: bear maze on brown
back: brown bear with varied lines
large: 18" x 18"
medium: 14" x 14"
small: 8" x 8"
Elephant maze animal play pillow
front: elephant maze on blue
back: blue elephant with circles
large: 18" x 18"
medium: 14" x 14"
small: 8" x 8"
Tooth fairy pillow
available in several variations
front: animal maze on orange, blue, green, yellow or brown
back 1: contrasting fabric with animal pocket
back 2: graphic pattern with corner pocket
size: 8" x 8"
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